Free Stl Editor
Free Stl Editor
Check out the 20 best free STL viewer tools for all platforms: Online, Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.
- STL 3dit is a free and easy STL viewer. Open an STL file to view 3D items. Use your mouse gesture to rotate, transfer, and zoom. It additionally serves as an STL editor, so that you would be able to with no trouble edit an STL file in detail editor.
- FreeCAD is a free 3D parametric modeler software that can also be used as an open.
- Check out the 20 best free STL viewer tools for all platforms: Online, Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.
3d Model Editor Free
New version 2020.12 is out!!
MeshLab 2020.12 has been released. With this version, we dismiss meshlabserver in favour of PyMeshLab, our new Python library for mesh batch processing using MeshLab filters.
We release also a new version that stores data with double precision. For further details, you can read the discussion in our GitHub page.
- lot of bug fixes
- GUI improvements
- new version 2020.12d that stores data with double precision (beta!!)
MeshLab 2020.07 released
MeshLab 2020.07 is out! You can download in the download section, or in the github release page.
Free 3d Stl Editor
- new plugin 'Global Registration' based on OpenGR library;
- option to reverse wheel direction;
- snap package allows to associate file extensions and to open files on external disks;
- u3d exporter is now more stable and works on every platform;
- removed support for XML plugins and QtScript dependecy;
- VisualSFM (and some other formats) output *.nvm, *.rd.out projects supported by meshlabserver
- various bugfixes
MeshLab 2020.06 released
Free 3d Stl Files
MeshLab 2020.06 is out! You can download in the download section, or in the github release page.
Due to the deprecation of QtScript and all the issues related to it, we are dropping from MeshLab the support to XML plugins, and therefore all the XML plugins have been transformed to classic plugins in this MeshLab version. The involved plugins are:
- Screened Poisson;
- Measure;
- Voronoi;
- Mutualinfo;
- Sketchfab;
New MeshLab 2020.03 and automatic deployment
We are happy to annouce that MeshLab 2020.03 is out! We set up an automatic system on our Github repository to automatically release a MeshLab version every first day of the month. Ultimate release can be found in the release page.
Note for Windows version: before installing MeshLab 2020.03, please uninstall manually any old MeshLab version. This is a known bug of the installer and will be fixed as soon as possible in future versions.
Free Stl Editor